Please consider contributing to the following:
$500 Event Sponsorships – Your personal or company name is displayed on our golf outing website, within the registration and dinner areas, and on the program cover. The donation can be in the form of money, gifts for each of the 100+ golfers, or a significant prize to be raffled-off (TV, vacation condo, etc.).
$250 Beer Sponsorships - You will be recognized with signage at dinner and on the beer cart.
$100 Hole Sponsorships – Signage placed at a tee-box and at the dinner pavilion.
$50 Program Sponsorships - Your name(s) and graduation year(s) listed in our program.
Other Donations Items – Company marketing trinkets, Indians/Browns tickets, Golf towels/balls, Goodie Baskets, Athletic gear, Bottles of cheer, Rounds of Golf, gift certificates etc. which could be used as participant-gifts or door-prizes.
Volunteers – We need several volunteers to setup and serve catered dinner (12:30 - 3:00). We also need help soliciting sponsors or door prizes. Contact Jerry Fasko if interested or if you have any questions about sponsorships.